5 Times Jennifer Lawrence Proved Herself To Be The Perfect Woman

Talented. Great personality. Good looking. Domestic goddess. She might just be perfect.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that any woman in the public eye attracting positive attention for being talented, witty and confident will eventually face an internet backlash. Just as happened to Anne Hathaway, the trolls are starting to come out against Jennifer Lawrence, accusing her of being "fake" and "putting on an act," apparently unaware that wit tends to be spontaneous and not something that can be rehearsed. She's already had to endure various ridiculous taunts about her weight, and many of the things she was once lauded for are now often spun as pejoratives. Fortunately, the eminently GIFable J .Law still has plenty of fans who welcome the presence of a young woman unafraid to be herself in front of the cameras and speak out against the misogynistic troglodytes trying to continually trying to undermine her and others who don't fit their narrow views of how a woman "should" behave. Read on for 5 reasons why she's perfect just the way she is, and remind yourself why we all fell in love with her in the first place...

28-year old English writer with a borderline obsessive passion for films, videogames, Chelsea FC, incomprehensible words and indefensible puns. Follow me on Twitter if you like infrequent outbursts of absolute drivel.