5 Times Jennifer Lawrence Proved Herself To Be The Perfect Woman

5. She Loves Food (And Isn't Afraid To Tell Us About It)

Body shaming against women is rife all over the internet, and while it's never a good thing to encourage being overweight or obese, you know there's a problem when a woman as healthy as Jennifer Lawrence is accused of being overweight. Fortunately, Jennifer don't give a damn about that and some of her finest quotes have been in relation to her love for food. Whether providing a list of all the things she can think of which tastes better than skinny feels - mocking Kate Moss' eye-rolling line from a 2009 interview with WWD magazine - or complaining that her MTV Movie Award wasn't made of real popcorn ("I can't eat this!"), asking where the food is in red carpet interviews, or boasting that she can eat an entire pizza by herself, she always finds the best way to express her love for fast food in the most hilarious, accidentally inspirational manner. She's even better, and blunter, when asked about dieting. In an interview with Harper's Bazaar, she recalled the various times during her career that people had tried to manipulate her into losing weight. Her response? "If anybody even tries to whisper the word 'diet,' I'm like, 'You can go f**k yourself.'"

28-year old English writer with a borderline obsessive passion for films, videogames, Chelsea FC, incomprehensible words and indefensible puns. Follow me on Twitter if you like infrequent outbursts of absolute drivel.