5 Upcoming Movies That Spoil The Ending In The Trailer

Spoiler alert, I guess.

X-Men Apocalypse Quicksilver Evan Peters.jpg
20th Century Fox

Trailers spoil. It's one of those unchangeable rules of cinema, right up there with Meryl Streep getting an Oscar nomination regardless of how good her performance is and Adam Sandler films making a profit.

And it's older than you think. Oh, everyone likes to hearken back to some better recent time where trailers didn't give everything up, but that's a bit of a misrepresentation. While instant replay and a higher number of sneak peeks mean it's more prevalent now, trailers have always been giving up essential plot elements. Even Alfred Hitchcock's purposely teasing extended trail for Psycho, which makes a massive deal about not knowing anything, still manages to detail the film's two big murders.

Maybe it's lasted so long because studios know it isn't too much of a problem. Seeing something in a trailer (or knowing a spoiler in general) doesn't mean the movie itself is going to suck, otherwise no film would hold up to a second viewing. After all, knowing Doomsday was going to eventually turn in Batman V Superman was very low down that film's list of systemic problems.

However, that's not to say some push it too far. Take these five upcoming movies that, pretty unforgivably, include major spoilers for the film's ending, either a showstopping part of the climax or the final scene itself.

Spoilers (not that you haven't already seen them).


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.