5 Villains To Bring The DCEU Into A New Era

3. Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor Super Suit
DC Comics

The versions of Lex Luthor that we have seen on movie screens have been ill advised to say the least. Gene Hackman's Lex was a product of it's time and lived up to the camp nature of the Superman movies, the less said about Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor, the better.

Lex Luthor is a power hungry, megalomaniacal thorn in the side of Superman, later turning into a dangerous adversary who will stop at nothing to have his way with the world. The best heroic analog you could find of Lex Luthor would be Batman, constantly ahead of the heroes he anticipates the moves of the Justice League and other foes as if he was playing a well thought out game of chess.

Seeing an older, seasoned Lex who will stop at nothing to put Superman down for good without care for the way it affects the world would be an amazing big screen turn considering the garbage we have so far had to deal with. Better yet seeing Lex band together a group of Supervillains in the form of the Injustice League is something yet unseen in the world of comic book movies, something unique that could reinvigorate the DCEU.

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