5 Villains We'd Love To See In Marvel Movies

1. Doctor Doom

Sadly, as things stand, this is unlikely to occur due to Fox having already used the character in the massively disappointing Fantastic Four films, but we can certainly dream. Victor Von Doom is the ultimate villain and he has been a thorn in many a hero's side in the comics since his first appearance in 1962. A genius whose mind is as intimidating as his imposing and iconic physical appearance, Doom is skilled in both the creation of super-powered technology and the mystical arts which makes him a threat on many levels. Having Doom going after the Infinity Gauntlet on the big screen, perhaps encountering Thanos in the process, would be a comic fanboy's wet dream. Maybe he could learn some magic from Doctor Strange in Phase 3 of the MCU adventure before going rogue. Maybe he could form a Masters of Evil, bringing together an ensemble of previously seen (and new) villains for a joint stab at the Avengers, and seeing a clash of egos between Doom and Tony Stark would be nothing short of hilarious. Walt Disney Studios and Marvel Studios take note - please, please, PLEASE do all you can to pull this Victor Von Doom shaped rabbit out of the proverbial hat. And while you're at it, make the rest of the rogues gallery worth watching as well.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.