5 Ways Marvel Could Reintroduce The Punisher

5. A Punisher Movie Reboot

punisher To reintroduce The Punisher to a whole new generation would not simply allow for a sequel or follow up to the existing Punisher movies. The superior Thomas Jane movie was almost a decade ago and it wouldn't make sense to bring him back now. The only option would be for an entirely new look at the Frank Castle story and apparently that's something that's crossed Marvel's mind recently. But what form would a Punisher movie take when Disney are behind it? Well if Disney's relationship with Marvel so far is anything to go by then we probably shouldn't worry too much as long as we don't expect extreme scenes of intense violence. But is the world ready for a family friendly version of The Punisher? And if so what tale would be told? Could an origin story work again? And if so would it work without the blood soaked tale of murder and revenge that comes with it? It would seem that having an all new Punisher movie is the way forward. In order to make the non comic book reading audience who flock to see Iron Man and Thor etc stand up and take notice would require a hefty PR push that would undoubtedly change the way we look at the Frank Castle character forever but it may be the quickest and most effective way of bringing both him and the property back from the dead.


Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.