5 Ways The DCEU Should Continue After The Suicide Squad
1. Restore The SnyderVerse
The "SnyderVerse" faithful ranks among the most vocal fandoms in film. For years they campaigned for the release of Zack Snyder's original vision for Justice League. This year, they got to taste all four hours of the superhero squad epic, but they haven't stopped their, demanding that Warner Bros. reinstate Snyder as the key creative architect of the DCEU.
Warner Bros. would do no wrong in making standalone sequels to Zack Snyder's Justice League; ZSJL cast a substantial spotlight over the infant streaming platform HBO Max and sequels could sustain the fan interest in the platform.
It also helps that Zack Snyder has continued to drum up interest by drip-feeding plot points and details he would have liked to include in continuations of the story. There's clearly more material to mine, so it'd be interesting to see what else the filmmaker could come up with.