5 Ways The Harry Potter Franchise Could Be Expanded Even Further

4. An MMO Game

Netflix Voldemort
Traveller's Tales

Each of the Harry Potter film releases was accompanied by a video game adaptation, though these largely ranged from average to outright mediocre in terms of gameplay quality. The best experience to date came in the form of the tongue-in-cheek Lego takes on the seven stories, recently re-released as one collection on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

What we haven't seen is a truly immersive take on Rowling's universe that allows players to explore it firsthand. Pottermore, launched in 2011, has featured interactive gaming-style elements, but never has something as ambitious as a massive multiplayer online game been seriously mooted, let alone attempted.

The possibilities of such a title are endless, as fans of the franchise would leap at the opportunity to develop a character in true RPG fashion by learning spells and engaging in combat, investigating every nook and cranny of Hogwarts at their own pace and participating in community events such as trading Famous Witches & Wizards cards or playing seven-on-seven Quidditch matches.

A compelling independent narrative and regular content updates would certainly be required to consistently maintain a high subscriber base and avoid repeating the mistakes of titles like DC Universe Online. If done right though, a truly enveloping online take on the wizarding world would be both a sight to behold and a tidy revenue stream for its creators.

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Harry Potter
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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.