5 Ways X-Men: Days Of Future Past Should Setup Future Sequels

1. Tie In With The Fantastic 4 Reboot

X-Men & The Fantastic Four This one is definitely one of the biggest opportunities that Days of Future Past could take right now, as well as one of the most risky and complicated moves they'll make through the coming years. Some time ago it was announced that Fox would be rebooting the Fantastic 4 franchise and that it would be part of the X-Men Universe, with Mark Millar involved in the development. Of all the decisions they could make for the future of this franchise, this one is probably the most important one. After 13 years they're going to make a significant expansion to their universe, and this isn't something to be taken lightly, especially when the fanbase hates this film already just because it's potentially in production. They'll have to be very careful with every decision they'll make regarding this movie: Josh Trank as the director was a good initial decision, however the most difficult part of this will be integrating the movie to the X-Men universe. As Mark Millar put it "We don't want the X-Men to be directly in the film, since the people will be more focused on them than in the Fantastic 4," and that is a particularly pertinent issue. Whatever they have in mind for this inevitable crossover remains to be seen, however all we have to do right now is to hope for the best. Perhaps we will see further hints for the future of the X-Men franchise when Days Of Future Past hits screens next year...

Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.