5 WTF Adult Moments In Kids Movies You Totally Missed

2. Shrek: Where'd Mama Bear Go?

rsz_bears The original Shrek was a clever movie that proved that Pixar weren't the only studio around capable of making great computer animated movies. Their clever dissection of classic fairytale storytelling was sure to appeal to both kids and adults alike, as was the script. Loads of grown up gags about Lord Farquaard's miniscule penis abound, and the Welcome To Duloc song has a lyric that clearly meant to rhyme with something else. But away from the saucier side of bawdy humour lies a slightly more disturbing tale. The Three Bears are originally shown at the beginning of the movie in their cages, the little bear cruelly on his own while his helpless parents can only look on in horror and fear. Pretty traumatic already. Then, later, we see various fairytale creatures around a fire in Shrek's swamp. We see Daddy Bear comforting Baby Bear about their situation, no doubt telling him that everything will be fine even though he knows deep down they are both doomed. But he's got to give the little tyke some hope. But why was the kid really upset? Because later we see the skinned remains of Mama Bear in Lord Farquaard's chamber. Yup. Baby Bear now joins the ranks of Bambi and Simba as a parentless child. And Mama Bear's soulless eyes will forever remain burned into our skulls.
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24 year old actor and musician raised by popular culture. Like a 21st century Mowgli. Big fan of TV, Music and Professional Wrestling. It's still real to me damn it! Follow me on Twitter @seanokeating. Then point out how unfunny I am!