5 YouTube Movies We Wish Were Real

2. Daria's High School Reunion

Daria Plaza Aubrey Plaza is perfectly cast in this College Humor produced fake trailer for a Daria movie. There were literally tons of fake trailers out there for live action spins on classic 90's toons but there was only this mega realistic looking yarn that actually resembled the original material to the letter and made us want to book our seats at the multiplex straight away in anticipation of what would surely be our next favourite cult movie. College Humor are excellent when it comes to hitting the nail on the head with these unlikely to ever happen for real movies and the casting in every short scene is perfect. The only thing that would make this live action Daria Morgendorffer movie even better is if it featured Mike Judge's other creations Beavis and Butthead because as we know that's where the monotone babe made her original appearances.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.