50 Greatest James Bond Moments Of All Time

7. The Spy Who Loved Me: Ski Jump

The Spy Who Loved Me
Eon Productions

It is said that at the premiere of The Spy Who Loved Me, which was attended by Prince Charles, the entire audience stood up and applauded at this particular scene, including the prince. That won't be a surprise to anyone who's seen the film.

At the end of an excellent little ski chase, in which Bond escapes from some Soviet agents (same as it ever was), Bond skis off the edge of an absolutely enormous mountain and there is silence.

The camera tracks Bond as he falls for ages, heading towards certain death, then he deploys a Union Jack parachute and the Bond theme explodes.

Oh, and it's not special effects either. This stunt was really performed by stuntman Rick Sylvester, which makes it even more incredible.

It's an absolutely masterful film stunt that'll leave viewers picking their jaws off the floor and even though the film's now over forty years old, this scene will still make you want to clap. Without question, it's one of the best movie stunts of all time, and that Union Jack parachute was a delightful touch too.

This scene alone cost $500,000 and it was very difficult to film, but few would argue that the results weren't worth it.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.