50 Greatest Movie Villains Of The 21st Century

17. Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias) €“ Watchmen

Watchmen Matthew Goode There was a lot of mixed critical reception for Zack Snyder€™s Watchmen, but in spite of that, I remain a huge fan of the film. I think that Ozymandias was also a particularly memorable villain because of the precision with which he orchestrated his scheme. He had to outsmart Dr. Manhattan which, if you€™ve seen Watchmen, you€™ll know is damn near impossible to do as Manhattan is near-omniscient. Still, he achieved it and came up with a horrific plan that involved the destruction of New York City. What makesOzymandias even more interesting is that his scheme (like Ra€™s al Ghul€™s) is an evil act for the greater good. What's more, he gets away with it (as far as we know anyway). How unusual.

16. Calvin Candie €“ Django Unchained

django-unchained-2 While Calvin Candie may not have been the most threatening villain in the long run, he was awesomely evil. When we are introduced to the character, he is nonchalantly watching two negro men fight to the death with their bare hands. It€™s hard to watch as it is particularly cruel. He then proceeds to convince the winner that he is doing the right thing with some very shocking racist logic. His appalling theories that the negro brain is inferior to that of a white man are fascinating and rooted in pure evil. Best of all, the character is played with hideous eccentricity by Leonardo DiCaprio.

15. Bill €“ Kill Bill Series

carradine kill bill Bill is an enthralling villain to watch. He is the man whom the series is named after and is the main antagonist of the films. In spite of this, he doesn€™t appear in the first film and barely features in the second until his meaty demise at the film€™s climax. During the climax, he delivers some signature Tarantino dialogue, dissecting the true nature of the Superman mythology. He then proceeds to show a shocking lack of trust or sympathy, introducing protagonist Beatrix to their daughter before shooting her full of truth serum. Even his honourable death increases his appeal as an antagonist.
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.