50 Greatest Movie Villains Of The 21st Century

20. Commodus €“ Gladiator

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Commodus is a truly ruthless antagonist. When his father, the King, informs him that he intends to announce the far superior general Maximus Meridus as the next heir of the throne, he proceeds to murder his way to it. Yes, he kills his own father. He then proceeds to not only strip Maximus of his ranks but to order the murder of his entire family. This extremely cruel act makes him one of the most sadistic and unlikable villains of the 21st century. It is very easy to empathise with the protagonist on this one.

19. Elijah Price €“ Unbreakable

CORRECT Unbreakable If you cast your mind back a long, long time, you€™ll realise that M. Night Shyamalan wasn€™t always a terrible filmmaker. Shortly before he became the what-a-twist running joke of modern cinema, he produced this excellent superhero thriller film. This excellent twist on the genre was really fascinating, and Samuel L. Jackson€™s Elijah Price (or Mr. Glass) was a truly interesting antagonist. Born with a rare disease that renders his bones extremely easily breakable, he turns into a creepy stalker looking for his polar opposite; which he finds in protagonist David Dunn, who is Bruce Willis and, therefore, can€™t break his bones. Naturally turning into a depraved super-villain wannabe, Price is a particularly memorable villain, although he isn€™t really a particularly threatening one.

18. Frank Costello €“ The Departed

TheDeparted-Still5_CR In The Departed, Jack Nicholson plays a wonderfully clichéd villain. He is a grotesque, selfish, self-indulgent mobster who can drift from unpleasantly gross to frighteningly violent. Although he is dispatched well before the film€™s final act, he plays a key antagonistic role and is excellently realised as a clichéd kingpin. He is another brilliant piece of one of the 21st century€™s most memorable films.
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.