50 Greatest Movie Villains Of The 21st Century

32. Lotso €“ Toy Story 3

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Toy Story 3 wasn€™t largely dependent on its villain. The extremely moving story arc involving Andy growing up spoke to us as viewers enough to carry the film on its own. Of course, that didn€™t stop Pixar from creating a downright memorable foe for the Toy Story gang. Lotso had a tragic backstory and a really likeable personality. He was a villain that we wanted to redeem himself, but unfortunately, Lotso proved just how downright evil he was by allowing the toys to burn in an incinerator, even after one unnecessarily saved his life. Did anyone else think he deserved a worse punishment?

31. Raoul Silva €“ Skyfall

Raoul_Silva_-_Profile James Bond has had many memorable villains. However, until last year, none of them came from the 21st century. The last attempt we got was Dominic Green, who was absurdly boring. But Skyfall brought an eccentric and very memorable character to the Bond canon. Silva€™s infamously flamboyant nature made him a unique addition to Bond€™s rogues gallery, and his intricate plan (while highly unrealistic) was a pleasure to watch unfold. It€™s too bad his motivations were so damn silly.

30. Draco Malfoy €“ Harry Potter Series

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Here€™s another villain that audiences have loved to hate. Although Malfoy was redeemed in the novel€™s final instalment, for most of the series he was seen as a highly unlikable antagonist. This sniveling coward caused more than his fair share of problems to Harry Potter throughout the series and was brilliantly played by Tom Felton. His personal rivalry with Potter, despite mixed feelings on his role in the later events of the series, made him an interesting side villain to the far scarier Voldemort.
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.