50 Greatest Star Wars Movie Moments

2. Blowing Up The First Death Star - Episode IV

So you were on edge. You didn't know yet when watching Episode IV for the first time whether you liked Star Wars or not. This would be the part of the film that would change your mind. The Rebel Alliance sends what few ships they have to do battle with the terrible power that is the Death Star. If they do not succeed quickly, the Empire will destroy their secret base and their cause will be lost forever.

Luke makes it down the Death Star trench to fire the fatal proton torpedoes down the small exhaust port. Behind him Darth Vader is closing fast, but in the last second is clipped by his wingman as Han Solo saves the day. Luke takes the shot and they quickly get out. Only four ships make it back to base. What truly gets me about Star Wars is like in the case of the space battle at the end of Return of the Jedi how great it all looked. True CGI on the level that we know it today did not exist yet, but still with only being able to use models and special effects cameras Star Wars managed to look great. Unlike a lot of movies that came after it and failed in looking realistic, everything in Star Wars still looks and sounds unnaturally real. This is why it has stood as a landmark in special effects for over thirty years.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation