50 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2019 - Ranked
12. Glass
The first essential movie of the year sees M Night Shyamalan completing his superhero trilogy (which kicked off with Unbreakable and of course secretly included Split) with Glass.
The film sees the union of James McAvoy's villain with Samuel L Jackson's supervillain for a plot to (presumably) escape imprisonment and testing by cynical government agencies (alongside Bruce Willis' David Dunn) and take over the world while Dunn tries to stop them. This time the focus will be more on Glass, despite the central conflict between the Beast and Dunn (AKA The Overseer), who holds the key to the secrets behind the other two.
We can probably expect LOTS of story, lots of opportunities for Jackson to ham it up and McAvoy to explode and hopefully a revival of sorts for Willis, who is in dire need of a shot of postivity these days.
Release Date: 18th January 2019