50 Most Exciting Upcoming Comic Book Movies - Ranked

30. Big Hero 6 2

Status: Confirmed By Stan Lee Due: TBC Key Players: The original cast will return, presumably with a host of new characters. There's also a rumour Tadashi will return from the supposed dead (possibly initially as a villain, before joining the Hiro's crew by the end). And of course, expect another Stan Lee cameo. What€™s It About: Even more focus on Baymax is inevitable, and a new villain with designs on Hiro's technological genius is likely. If they do go the inevitable way of bringing back Tadashi, expect him to come in as some sort of villain-controlled antagonist (possibly reinventing the Silver Samurai from the comics). Why We Should Care: The original was brilliant. It's hard to get too excited right now, as it's not announced, but expect a massive response as soon as it gets the nod.

29. The Flash

Status: Speeding forward Due: March 23rd 2018 Key Players: Despite the success of the TV show, Warner Bros have unthinkably decided to recast, bringing in Ezra Miller in place of Grant Gustin. Charged with writing his stand-alone are six screen-writers, because WB apparently like to court disaster. What€™s It About: The stand-alone might invite viewers to watch Barry Allen€™s super-speed origin, unless the DCEU will use Justice League as a launching point for the individual members to follow their own threads away from the team? Why We Should Care: The TV show proved there€™s legs in the character, and Ezra Miller is definitely talented enough to make a good go of shaking off memories of Grant Gustin. And at least WB will be able to call on an established audience for the character.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.