60 Greatest T-Shirts Ever Worn In A Movie

37. Shark Cat

The Movie: Pineapple Express Worn By: Saul Silver Really wish we could learn the backstory to this shirt; possibly the most awesome image ever committed to cotton. Extra points for wearing it over a long-sleeved T-Shirt.

36. Bull S**t

The Movie: The Jerk Worn By: Billy This likely represented one of the first t-shirts used by Hollywood as a sight gag. That it was worn by a children only enhanced it's shock value. Probably unrelated to the tee, but the boy that played Billy would never act again.

35. High On Stress

The Movie: Revenge Of The Nerds Worn By: Booger So memorable it provided the name for a Minneapolis band, the phrase High On Stress is a bonkers one, but really works in the film on not-really-a-nerd Booger.

34. I Am Jack's Sobbing Rorshcach Test

Fight Club Tears Shirt GifThe Movie: Fight Club Worn By: His name is Robert Paulsen It's a creative - and unprecedented - mechanism through which to filter a character sketch. Wear it now and most people would think you were a Watchmen fan.

33. I Was Drugged And Left For Dead In Mexico - And All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt

The Movie: The Game Worn By: Nicholas Van Orton Spoiler alert - it's all a game. After trying to commit suicide (it's a very sadistic game), Michael Douglas is presented with just what you want from a near-death experience. We love that CRS, for all their extensive methods, still do tacky T-Shirts.

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