6 Awesome Movie Superheroine Costumes (And 4 That Sucked)

1. Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

avengers-black-widow This is a pretty uninspiring costume at first glance, but when it's worn by Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, it suddenly becomes both bad-ass and sexy. It's a tight-fitting, allover leather body-suit with a fasten-up front (which looks really naff on men, but seems to work with women), with fingerless black gloves and black leather boots. It's loaded with straps and slots that hold handguns and bullets, just to give it that extra kick-ass look. Anyone who's seen the movie poster for the Avengers in which all the characters are present and Black Widow is looking towards the camera with her body facing away from it knows why this outfit is popular with the male population. Now, on to four movie superheroine costumes which sucked...

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.