6 Behind-The-Scenes Documentaries That Show Why Films Went Wrong

3. Documentary Explores 'Disasterpiece' The Room

The Hobbit Martin Freeman
TPW Films

Tommy Wiseau's The Room is often called the 'Citizen Kane of Bad Movies' which is about as backhanded a complement a film could ever receive.

For all of its bizarre dialogue, garbled plot threats and excruciating love scenes, the film turned out to be one of those car crashes nobody could take their eyes off. Its cult followers continue to pack out cinemas whenever it's screened and the enigmatic Wiseau, who also has a side gig selling unisex underwear, is a figure of fascination.

So much so, that filmmaker Rock Harper has made him and his notorious disasterpiece the subject of his next documentary.

Room Full of Spoons delves deep into the making of the so-called worst film of all time, deconstructing its most widely-ridiculed scenes and interviewing members of its cast and crew about the most infamous credit on their CV.

The documentary will explain exactly why The Room turned out the way it did, and how it went on to attract a cult following... except you might never get to see it thanks to an injunction from Wiseau, which the Harper and his team are challenging.

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The Hobbit
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