6 Best & 6 Worst Comic Book Movie Performances Of 2016

5. Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool

Deadpool movie
20th Century Fox

In the catalogue of actors born to play certain roles, Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool has got to feature pretty highly. From his (occasionally) irritating quips and constant jokes down to his enviably accurate superhero physique, Reynolds is more Deadpool than he is Ryan Reynolds. Minus the disfiguring scars of course...

Reynolds carries the film with his natural charisma and even manages the impossible task of putting in a performance behind a fully mask-covered face. Though not too much of a stretch for him dramatically, Reynolds sells the comedy even when it occasionally falls flat as well as giving the action sequences an exciting kineticism.

Based solely on the act of putting character from page to screen Reynolds nails it.

It's telling that 20th Century Fox kept the actor over the director in the aftermath of the pairs creative discrepancies over the upcoming sequel and it's a testament to the actor's complete embodiment of the character that they did so. Quite simply, Reynolds is Deadpool and without him you have no franchise.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.