6 Creepy Films On Netflix You Haven’t Seen

4. Veronica (2017)

ravenous movie

I sincerely hope you enjoy foreign language films as this list has a total of three for you to sink your teeth into. Joining a variety of films with Ouija boards at the centre of the plot, the sinister possession that takes place reminds you of the fear of sleeping alone as a kid when your parents left for the weekend.

With her mother acting as the breadwinner, working long hours away from home, Veronica's decision to get involved with a Ouija board whilst the rest of the school watches a solar eclipse, turns into a horrifying form of self-harm. Not only does she have to fight off ghostly presences in her claustrophobic apartment, she must protect her defenceless brother and sisters from the ensuing evil.

The apartment itself becomes a large character in the film, with tight corners and a bend which allows Veronica to see into other rooms from her own. This adds another dimension to the film, possession horrors don't tend to use often, reminding you oddly of Rear Window and Disturbia in some scenes.

Overall, the film delivers a punchy attack on the senses, and it always helps a great horror film, when you realise that it was based on somebodies real life experience.

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I watch, then I write. It could gory horror movies or confusing yet loveable cult hits like Donnie Darko. So have a look at what I write, or don't. It's fine, I don't mind.