6 DC Movie Sins Batman V Superman Will Probably Commit
4. Trying Too Hard To Appease The Fanboys
I hate to pick on Green Lantern again (okay, not really), but yet another problem with that movie was trying to force way too much of the mythology into it at once, thus creating a mess that average viewers couldnt wrap their heads around. Look kids! Its Kilowog! Its Tomar Re! Its Parallax! Its a large gathering of all the members of the Green Lantern Corps so you can spot your favorite that was featured in a couple panels that one issue! Look its the emotional spectrum! Look its Amanda Waller! How about a coherent story? One thing that Marvel has mastered is streamlining the plots of their movies to reference things that die-hards will recognise without weighing down everything around it. Yes, the Collector has a cocoon in his display case that looks a lot like Adam Warlocks, but did Guardians Of The Galaxy waste any time on it? No! When it showed a Celestial using the Power Gem, er, I mean Power Stone, did the movie spend time explaining exactly what the Celestials are in an infodump or heaven forbid, voice over? No! Now, its not that the fans should be completely ignored, its just that it should be remembered that other people are going to be seeing the movie too. Fans of the comics have gotten so used to an over-powered Batman with prep time who always wins in every situation, even when fighting literal gods, that its a foregone conclusion that he could go toe to toe with Superman, but the average moviegoer is probably scratching their head wondering how exactly this is a fight worth watching at all. In Man Of Steel, he fought THREE SUPERPOWERED KRYPTONIANS. Aside from the positive association every living person has with Batman, theres no thrill to watching a mere mortal fight Superman, even if hes wearing Bat-Armor. And so, this movie will have to spend a lot of time explaining just how its possible that an aging Bruce Wayne can take on an invulnerable man, all so they can squeeze more fanboy love from an iconic moment of a comic book from thirty years ago.