3. Reliance On Violence
One of the most common complaints about Superman Returns was its lack of satisfactory action. Yes, Lex Luthor curb stomps a weakened Superman in the third act, but that was extremely underwhelming. The fact is, Superman saves the day by throwing a giant rock into the sun. Green Lantern also saved the day in his movie by throwing it into the sun. When it came time to make Man Of Steel, it was clear that they had to give him someone to actually fight. Now, lots of people complain, perhaps justifiably, about the amount of destruction in the climactic battle between Supes and Zod, but in the movies defence, at least that was a fight between good and evil. In Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Iron Man fights the Hulk in a similar fashion, while also causing lots of property damage, and those guys are supposedly allies. (Its curious why the general public never questioned Hulks membership on the Avengers after such an event - I dont think I would accept the mindless brute we happen to employ was being mind controlled but thats an argument for another time.) However, in Batman V Superman, DC will repeat the same mistake of Man Of Steel. No ones complaint about that movie was a lack of violence. If anything, people felt it had too much. Look to the DC Animated Universe for a well executed example of Batman and Superman meeting. Theres some mistrust in the beginning, but they dont ever throw down. If Batmans motivation, as the trailers seem to indicate, is to take down Superman because hes too dangerous and his fight with Zod caused too much damage, isnt it counter-productive to engage him in a fist fight? What does he expect will happen this time? The characters have to make questionable decisions that really dont fit with their motivations just because this movie is called Batman V Superman rather than the more obvious and well-suited title Worlds Finest. Ah, but that doesnt feature Batman in the name, even though everyone who isnt living under a rock knows Batman is going to be in this movie regardless of the title. And it doesnt hit you over the head with the premise that these two are gonna FIGHT and its gonna be BADASS.