6 Female Heroes The MCU Deserves

4. Ms. Marvel

natalie portman thor
Marvel Comics

Kamala Khan is incredible. A strong, female, Muslim character is completely unprecedented and Marvel are doing a fantastic job with the her. With Brie Larson's Captain Marvel joining the MCU imminently, it's only a matter of time before Kamala follows her idol to the big screen.

Kamala debuted in Marvel Comics as a shapeshifter with an Inhuman gene following the Inhumanity storyline. She assumed the Ms. Marvel codename from Carol Danvers, who held this title before graduating to Captain Marvel. When Kamala first went through her Terrigenisis thanks to Black Bolt, she actually emerged from the cocoon looking like Carol Danvers, before shifting back to look like herself again with a replica of Danvers' Ms. Marvel costume. Kamala would eventually find her own identity and become a hero in her own right.

While a Ms. Marvel debut in the Captain Marvel movie might be a bit of a stretch, a cameo from a Captain Marvel-idolising Kamala Khan wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility.


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