6 Female Heroes The MCU Deserves

3. Spider-Gwen

natalie portman thor
Marvel Comics

Spider-Gwen is an amazing character, not just because of the way she is written and portrayed, but because of the way she was created in the first place. She was always intended to be almost a throw away character as part of the Spider-Verse storyline. The 'real' Gwen Stacy was killed way back in The Amazing Spider-Man #121 (June '73), and this version was pitched as an alternate reality Gwen Stacy, as was the way with a lot of the characters in Spider-Verse. What no-one anticipated, however, was how popular this version of Gwen Stacy would be.

She was so popular during Spider-Verse that she was given her own ongoing series called, funnily enough, Spider-Gwen, set on Earth-65 - her home world. She remained popular enough for Marvel to include her in their 2015 epic crossover Secret Wars, before returning to Earth-65 when the multiverse was restored for her second (and equally successful) ongoing series.

We still don't know if Gwen Stacy will be appearing in Spider-Man: Homecoming, but if she does it's a pretty safe bet that Spider-Gwen won't be too far behind, especially with this November's Doctor Strange opening up the multiverse to the MCU.


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