6 More Forgotten Films From the 80’s You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

1. Melvin, Son Of Alvin (1984)


Wow, where to begin with this long lost Ozploitation sexual opus? I best go back to how it all started. Alvin Purple was a sex romp comedy released in 1973 starring Graeme Blundell as Alvin and featured Australia's very own sex kitten Abigail, star of the hit television series "Number 96." He had an ability that all heterosexual men dream about. Regardless of his actions, women were drawn to him sexually and threw themselves at him in every way possible. Seemingly unable to say no when simply in his presence alone, these women were diabolical in their attempts to sleep with Alvin, regardless of his feelings and was tantamount to rape in some cases. Yes, that can happen to men too ya know. And although the film was blasted by critics it went on not only to become the most commercially successful Australian film released at that time, but an Australian Icon to boot, spawning two sequels and a television series based on this TITillating character and his sexual escapades. And yes, the pun is intended. One of those sequels was "Melvin, Son of Alvin." A continuation of the saga, although this time with an 80's setting and based on the exploits of the fruit of Alvins loins, Melvin, and his various attempts to avoid any forms of sexual contact in search for his one true love. Which was kind of hard for him to accomplish, since he inherited his father's ability to be completely irresistible to women. Unlike his dad though, Melvin is a virgin and women frighten him. He wants no part in any of it and thinks sex is "dangerous." A true geek if there ever was one. This movie has almost been completely forgotten by everyone, even in its country of origin. Go google the title, you will find absolutely nothing. Both the Wikipedia and the IMDB page feature little to no information at all and the only thing I could find on youtube was the trailer. Upon research I found that it was once released in the United States as "Foreplay", but there is even less reference to that online. But in all honesty, regardless of its status (or lack thereof) overseas, Melvin, Son of Alvin really should be regarded as part of Australian cinematic history. As not only did the Alvin Purple Saga revolutionize both film and television with its portrayal of sex and nudity, but in many ways was a precursor to the iconic teen sex romps of the 80's. Where Melvin, Son of Alvin sits quite nicely alongside other similar features including the Porkys trilogy and Screwballs.
So there you have it, six more titles that would lead to one crazy arse movie marathon of epic proportions, for those interested in not only a bit of 80's nostalgia but some laughs as well. And for those who are 80's kids, each and every film mentioned is like a time machine that can be used to regain lost childhood memories of an era and a culture long since past. To them I say, cook up some microwave popcorn, crank up that ol' flux capacitor and strap in for a nostalgia ride like no other. Flux Capacitor. Atari 2600. Betamax. Why do 80's tech references sound so much cooler than their counterparts of today?

Passions in life: Movies, Music and Wrestling....My childhood was spent growing up in the "Outback" of Australia (I'm a little bit country) and my adulthood resided within the city limits (I'm a little bit rock and roll), so you could say that I am the best (or worst) of both worlds. A 6 foot 7 ex wannabe pro wrestler (whose career was cut short due to a busted back, NOT caused by wrestling) & muso who has a precocious cat & a habit of doing the wrong thing but for the right reasons. The story of my life???? All demos, no albums ;)