6 Infamous Feuds That Almost Derailed Classic Movies

1. Terms of Endearment €“ Debra Winger Vs. Shirley MacLaine


James L. Brooks' Oscar-winning tear-jerker "Terms of Endearment" followed the tumultuous relationship of a mother and daughter. Apparently, the actresses that played the familial pair, Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger, had quite the uneasy relationship to match. The 49-year-old MacLaine didn't like the 28-year-old Winger from the outset, and the latter didn't do much to endear herself to the former during filming. Battling a cocaine addiction, Winger's behavior was predictably erratic, leading to a number of confrontations with MacLaine. The most famous claim about the on-set feud is that one day, Winger lifted up her skirt and passed gas in the direction of her on-screen mom. That kind of behavior just stinks. There are also unconfirmed reports that the duo actually resorted to fisticuffs at one time. Winger downplayed this notion while promoting "Rachel Getting Married", saying that "There might have been a scuffle. I don't remember. I mean, we were wild, you know." Something that definitely happened, however, occurred on the night of the Academy Awards. Both MacLaine and Winger were nominated for Best Actress, and when MacLaine won, she apparently leaned over to Winger and said "Half of this belongs to you." To this, Winger snarkily replied: "I'll take half." Once MacLaine got on-stage, she famously announced in her acceptance speech "I deserve this!"

Nick DeNitto developed a passion for film in high school and has been writing about it ever since. Aside from WhatCulture, he writes for StageBuddy.com and FestivalOfFilms.com/blog. He is affiliated with the National Board of Review.