6 Minor Details That Will Help Make Star Wars: Episode VII Not Suck

3. Ditch The Brown Bathrobes

Robes I'm talking about the Jedi Uniform. This is sort of like the Lightsaber thing, except instead of having fewer lightsabers because they are cool, there should be fewer brown bathrobes because they are not cool. In fact when did brown bathrobe and foldy linen tunic become the Jedi dress-code? Uncle Owen wears one, and he ain't no kinda Jedi. It seems to me that brown bathrobe and linen tunic are just what old men who live on Tatooine wear. And it's not like Yoda ever told Luke, "A Jedi, you are now. On, put this brown bathrobe and tunic, you must. Only clothes you will ever wear again, these are." Instead, Cool Hand Luke stuck with his Rebel flight jacket in Empire, then graduated to a badass jet-black biker look for RotJ. Star Wars is full of cool costumes with so many cool details. Boba Fett is practically the most popular character in all of Star Wars and he has like 10 minutes of screen time. It's because his costume tells a story. I know Jedi are supposed to be like monks and all, but brown bathrobe doesn't scream "cunning warrior" to me. Rather it yawns "chill dude." I'm not saying Episode VII should be completely devoid of brown bathrobes, I'm saying they should be limited to scenes where characters are getting out of the shower.

David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.