1. How The F*ck Is Professor X Alive? Seriously? - X-Men: Days Of Future Past
When it comes to continuity, there's only so long you can go with the "we're not going to explain this" option before it begins to feel like a slap in the face. The X-Men franchise - with its super-messed up, totally incomprehensible excuse for a timeline - has taken this approach on a number of muddled plot points, and for the most part audiences have been forgiving of that. But there is one inexcusable plot hole that has never been addressed properly, presumably in the hope that everyone will just forget about it. Well, they haven't, and it's bloody annoying: how in God's name is Professor X alive? Look, X-Men franchise, we're all really, really sorry that you opted to kill off Professor Charles Xavier in X-Men: The Last Stand. It was a mistake. But if you're going to bring him back you need to offer up an explanation that makes sense. Not just a couple of vague hints like, oh, he transferred his conciousness into another body but somehow still looks like Patrick Stewart; an actual explanation. In X-Men: Days Of Future Past, an admittedly great chapter in the series, Professor X is seen hanging out with the other X-Men as though nothing happened; like he never - you know - died. Until this amazing resurrection is properly explained (and the likelihood is that it never will be given the new timeline), this is to be a considered a fully-fledged plot hole of the highest order: an illogical fallacy that takes the audience for a bunch of outright fools. You killed him off, X-Men franchise, and now he's back: tell us what we want to know. Like this article? Agree or disagree that these plot holes are kind of unforgivable? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.