Hollywood love a good bromance: men who form special bonds with other men and go on action filled adventures with them form a pretty large sub-genre in film. These films are usually ultra-macho, and more often than not appeal to a male audience rather than a female one- well, at least this is probably their intention. But is it just me or are these films... well, pretty gay? Now before you get the wrong idea, this isn't an article to make fun of or laugh at homo-erotic films and I am fully 100% for complete gay rights. My point is actually this: these films usually have such a gay subtext, are full of homo-erotic imagery and actually, most of them anyway (not the ones of this list however) perform fairly badly. They spend all their time focused on male bonding, and as a result most of the time the female love interest is a pretty weak, underdeveloped and boring character. Now, there is of course a place for these types of film within Hollywood, but maybe if Hollywood and the viewing public were less frightened of homosexual themes in the movies, then turning a films bromance into a romance could actually make the film a lot more interesting, a lot more complex, and have a hell of a lot more of an emotional punch. This article will focus on the six films, which I believed suffered to convey an effective female/male romantic relationship, and could have benefited from a gay love story. I love all of the films on this list (except for the one obvious), and I am not saying they SHOULD have had a homosexual relationship to make them better (they are all pretty good) just that they COULD have had one and the chosen films would have arguably been not just as interesting, but potentially even more interesting. Click within to reveal my six choices...