6 Movie Franchises That Were Saved By A Reboot (And 6 That Were Doomed)

10. Doomed: Power Rangers

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With nostalgia being all the rage in Hollywood these days, Saban's Power Rangers seemed like an ideal candidate for the reboot treatment. Incredibly popular during its mid-90s peak, the show's brightly-coloured costumes and rubber-suited villains of the week inspired countless schoolkids of the time to take up karate lessons and also kick their peers in the face without provocation. What a time to be alive.

The property seemed ideally suited to a tongue-in-cheek romp that both appealed to the older generation that fondly remembered the show, and could also draw in an entirely new set of younger fans. Instead, Power Rangers of all things was given the 'dark and gritty reboot' treatment that was almost a decade out of date.

Almost ashamed of how cheesy the source material was, Dean Israelite's would-be franchise starter instead decided to take itself incredibly seriously, with Elizabeth Banks the only member of the cast that seemed to both embrace and run with the inherently stupid concept of super-powered teenagers that could summon robot dinosaurs to fight evil.

Aiming for the middle ground between The Breakfast Club and Transformers, Power Rangers failed miserably on both counts and barely made back its $105m budget at the box office. Despite unsurprisingly selling a sh*tload of tie-in merchandise, little over a year later the entire Power Rangers brand was sold off to Hasbro in a half-billion dollar deal.

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