6 Movie Roles That Got People Fired

2. Newscaster Alaina Pinto Was Fired For Violating Her Contract - Hubie Halloween

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Alaina Pinto is the most recent addition to the ranks of those fired for taking roles in movies, losing her job as a newscaster at Boston's WHDH 7News for making a cameo appearance in the recent Adam Sandler Netflix comedy Hubie Halloween.

In the film, Pinto plays a reporter who, to celebrate Halloween, is dressed up as Harley Quinn.

Unfortunately within days of the film's release, Pinto reported that she'd been fired from her job for unknowingly violating a contractual agreement which prevented her from taking outside jobs without the station's permission.

Pinto's Twitter post about the situation was extremely graceful considering the frankly ridiculous nature of her dismissal and the absolutely harmless nature of her cameo role.

Though a passionate social media campaign was mounted to get her job back, it sadly came to nothing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.