6 Movie Roles That Got People Fired

1. A School Basketball Coach Was Fired For Appearing In A Suggestive  Short Film - Forbidden Fruit

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Vaguely Profound Pictures

In 2013, Connecticut school basketball coach Mike Hvizdo (pictured left) was "encouraged" to resign from his post after a short film he appeared in a decade prior, Forbidden Fruit, resurfaced online.

The short, produced by Jack Black's former assistant Stephen Moramarco, depicted Hvizdo in a number of suggestive situations, and as a result the school decided to cut ties with him.

The short was anonymously e-mailed to the school's principal, Lisa R. Wolak, who convened a committee to decide Hvizdo's fate.

The school's official rationale? "This film is vulgar, contains offensive sexual language, and depicts sexual acts among multiple partners in which Mr. Hvizdo is a participant."

It was an undeniably raw deal for Hvizdo, for a short film which didn't actually feature any nudity or really do anything wrong, and one which was made an entire 10 years earlier.

Hvizdo promptly hired a lawyer to help clear his name, but honestly, did it actually need clearing at all? You're better off without this job, Mike.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.