6 People Who Stupidly Thought Their Movies Should Win Oscars

3. Vin Diesel Convinced Himself Furious 7 Would Win Best Picture

No, I didn't just accidentally repeat an entry - Vin Diesel did the whole "Me driving around in cars with my mates deserves the highest cinematic accolade going" schtick again for last year's entry in the series, proving that those Fast Five statements weren't even close to being tongue-in-cheek (again, I don't think he can do that level of subtlety) and he genuinely thinks his ode to "family" is something special. Furious 7 is the one with a car jumping between buildings and a CGI Paul Walker in a bizarre fourth-wall breaking ending and is widely regarded as a movie in the franchise; whether it's the best, worst and just a middling CGI muddle really is in the eye of the beholder. What there's no disputing is that it was freaking popular one; it made over $1.5 billion at the worldwide box office, the third highest grossing film in a year that included a new Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Avengers and James Bond. And, once again, Diesel took that money metric as cause to claim he'd got one of the best films of the year in his hands; "Universal is going to have the biggest movie in history with this movie. It will probably win best picture at the Oscars, unless the Oscars don€™t want to be relevant ever." Again, his argument is about transferring popularity into awards gold, which is an interesting angle, but the absolutely sincerity of it is baffling. Furious 7 versus The Revenant and Mad Max: Fury Road? C'mon!

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.