6 Reasons A Deadpool Movie Should Definitely Happen

2. He's Cheap


One of the major benefits to understanding that Deadpool isn€™t meant to be the next Thor or Iron Man is that the film€™s budget can be smaller. It€™s all conjecture at this point, but Reese and Wernick estimate that, reasonably, a budget for the film they and director Tim Miller have in mind could top out around $50 million. That€™s comparatively small change for a studio in the blockbuster business. This is no Kickstarter project (yeah, I€™m looking at you, Veronica Mars), but in the grand scheme of things, a Deadpool film is fairly low-risk, and it carries with it the possibility of some pretty healthy returns for Fox Studios. If nothing else, a solid Deadpool film is virtually guaranteed a spot on the list of cult-classic films on the DVD shelves.

Matt is a freelance writer and aspiring TV and film scriptwriter. He has a bizarrely eclectic skillset, and the interests to match. Find more of his work and ramblings over at the Breakwater Industries page on Facebook. He is a regular contributor to WhatCulture.com, and his work has also appeared in the essay collection "Joss Whedon: The Complete Companion", published by Titan Books.