6 Reasons Terminator: Dark Fate Won't Save The Franchise

4. Tim Miller Directing

Terminator Dark Fate
Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

This not a shot at Tim Miller's skills or talent, just that he might be the wrong sort of director for this project. In terms of directing, Miller has only made one feature, Deadpool; not exactly the sort of light CV you'd expect from someone taking the reigns of such an important franchise.

Whilst the foul mouthed Marvel romp was a hell of a lot of fun, it alone doesn't anchor Miller as a great feature director. Further to this is the tone of his work which is at times more comedic than some might expect from someone taking Terminator back to its dark roots.

If there is a major complaint regarding Terminator 3 and Terminator Genysis, it is its at times goofy humour that completely undermines the doom-impending tone of the two originals; something fans definitely won't want to have to suffer again with Dark Fate if Miller applies his tongue-in-cheek stamp on the movie.


I'm pretty good at writing screenplays, news articles, film & TV lists, short stories and reviews. Terrible at writing bios.