6 Star Trek Films Actors Hated Filming

1. Star Trek: Insurrection - Marina Sirtis

Star Trek Nemesis

Marina Sirtis has become more and more vocal in the years following the conclusion of the Next Generation's film run about how she really felt about her part in it. While Nemesis has already been discussed on this list, believe it or not, she preferred the final film to its predecessor. The first sign that she didn't think very much of it was the fact that she fell asleep during the movie's premiere.

Sirtis felt that the script for the film was weak. There had been several drafts of the screenplay, the first involving Picard meeting an old Academy friend, Hugh Duffy, who had gone rogue and was attempting to start a war with the Romulans. While this idea would be recycled for Star Trek Into Darkness, the Fountain of Youth was shoehorned into that story, which made no sense.

Though the Youth element was retained, Sirtis felt that the lack of action dragged the film down, particularly after the previous film managed to handle it so well. All in all, by the time her snores began filling the theatre, Sirtis seemed to know that this would not end up as one of the stronger Star Trek movies.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick