6 Things Disney Should Do With The New Star Wars Trilogy

5. The Tone

In a word: dark. I€™d aim to pretty much make it The Dark Knight of the Star Wars franchise. After all, this is a story where the main character is a drug addicted bounty hunter, and where extreme violence and some occasional torture are par for the course. Also because it would be the perfect antidote to all of the sickeningly twee rubbish of the Expanded Universe, most notably Anakin Solo€™s Jedi Master being a rabbit, the Ewok cartoons of the 1980s that featured a witch named Morag and soap that turns things invisible, and the god-awful subplot in the novel Dark Apprentice of Han and Leia€™s two year old twins running off during a trip to the zoo. I swear to God I did not make any of those up. But I digress. A hard-edged Star Wars. More along the lines of Knights Of The Old Republic 2 than The Phantom Menace.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.