Doctor Strange Set Photos: 6 Things We Can Learn

3. It Will Be More Grounded Than Expected Anyone who follows Doctor Strange€™s director, Scott Derrickson, on Twitter will see that he€™s been rather fond of tweeting panels from his hero€™s comics since he was announced to have landed the gig back in June 2014. He€™s clearly excited about the project, but most of the panels and imagery he€™s shared with his fanbase so far have had more than a touch of the psychedelic about them, leaving some to wonder whether or not cinemas will start handing out LSD at the refreshments counter for viewers to get the most out of the film. regardless of Derrickson€™s penchant for the Doctor€™s more technicolour adventures in the Astral Realm and beyond however, it looks like we can expect chunks of Doctor Strange not to be the stuff of drug-fuelled nightmares after all. Nepal looks decidedly rugged and earthy from what we can see in the background of the set pictures, which should allow it to act as a nice counterbalance for when the magic spells start flying and things inevitably go all super freaky on us like Rick James. It makes sense really, as we have to see how a character like Strange interacts with the real world before we can really start to invest in how he moves through a mystical realm that we haven€™t seen onscreen before.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.