6 Underground Review: 4 Ups & 6 Downs


6. The Surprisingly Awful Script

6 Underground

While the vast majority of Michael Bay's films are not remotely well written, the fact that Deadpool scribes Wernick and Reese penned 6 Underground's screenplay certainly suggested this might be more a Pain and Gain-type movie than a brainless Transformers film.

But sadly, the script is massively lacking in personality, and mostly just feels like a generic first draft blockbuster script cranked out quickly to meet a deadline.

For starters, there's only a scarcely coherent excuse for a plot here - and it's an excuse in the most literal sense of the word - while character development feels like an afterthought intended solely to pad the runtime out.

Most disappointing of all, coming from Wernick and Reese, is the frequently terrible state of the dialogue.

The "funny" quips and cringe-worthy pop-culture references mostly play as though written by a teenager, and while the cast tries to make it work, a lot of the "banter" just doesn't hit the mark.

Mere hours after watching the film - if not actually while you're watching it - you'll probably forget both the narrative and the backstories of the central six characters, because that's just how completely dull and uninteresting it all is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.