6 Ways To Ace A Captain Planet Movie

1. Don't Make It Too Big

Captain Planet Pointing At You
Turner Broadcasting

Now with the previous point in mind – don't make the thing a gigantic bloatfest with every single villain from the series making an appearance. Easter Eggs are one thing, but don't slam Blight, Skumm, both Plunders, Hoggish Greedly, Captain Pollution, Zarm, and a handful of undead whalers or something all into the mix.

Keep it to no more than three major villains: Blight as the brains, Skumm as an early obstacle for the new crew to surpass, Plunder and his old henchman Argos Bleak as the big baddies in the end. You could even keep Argos out of the movie and introduce him at the end when Robin takes over the old family business. And while we're at it – cast Jason Statham as Argos. Why not?

Remember the lesson that Spiderman learned: Too many villains in a 90-minute long movie can cause a disinteresting bloat. If you have too many bad guys running around then you don't have enough time for them to gain value as a real threat. A pretty solid formula seems to be the Rule of Three. With our example of Blight/MAL, Skumm, and Plunder we've got time to devote to each of their motivations and what makes them dangerous to both the environment and the heroes. Its just like inflation: Too much cash laying around causes it to lose value; too many villains causes the audience to lose investment in any of them.

Remember Hollywood: The Power is...well it's ours. It's ours and we want a Captain Planet movie.


Author of Escort (Eternal Press, 2015), co-founder of Nic3Ntertainment, and developer behind The Sickle Upon Sekigahara (2020). Currently freelancing as a game developer and history consultant. Also tends to travel the eastern U.S. doing courses on History, Writing, and Japanese Poetry. You can find his portfolio at www.richardcshaffer.com.