6 Ways To Ace A Captain Planet Movie

2. Cast Classic Villains

Captain Planet Pointing At You
Turner Broadcasting

If you really want to aim a target right at the heart of this demographic a great move would be to have the main villains be Dr. Blight and Verminous Skumm – played by their original voice actors, Meg Ryan and Jeff Goldblum. And let those two absolutely ham it up – chew every bit of scenery they're in. You can have a big climactic fight with Blight's robotic assistant, HAL, at the end of the movie for Michael Bay quality explosions.

And going along with the passing of the torch theme, have Blight and Skumm be employed by an ageing and very ill Looten Plunder. At the end of the film you can have Plunder pass away, a victim of his own greed and world desecrating ways – perhaps by malaria he contracted while on Safari? And he is replaced by his good-for-nothing nephew from that one episode about bats - Robin Plunder.

We've already got Ryan and Goldblum hamming it up so lets get Brad Pitt or Daniel Craig or maybe even Matthew McConaughey as the old Plunder and cast as his ne'er-do-well nephew none other than Loki himself, Tom Hiddleston.

Ta-da, Hollywood - now you've got a sequel all set up with the new crew fighting against Robin Plunder who is trying to recreate Captain Pollution. And if you keep things going to make it a trilogy – and who are we kidding, it's Hollywood we're talking about, they certainly will – we can bring Zarm into the mix as the third movie's main villain.


Author of Escort (Eternal Press, 2015), co-founder of Nic3Ntertainment, and developer behind The Sickle Upon Sekigahara (2020). Currently freelancing as a game developer and history consultant. Also tends to travel the eastern U.S. doing courses on History, Writing, and Japanese Poetry. You can find his portfolio at www.richardcshaffer.com.