6 Worst Moments of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

5. Superman-Spock

As the film progresses, we see Captain James T. Kirk enjoying a leisurely free climb up a sheer cliff face (this is one of those awesome-but-€œreally?€ Shatner moments). Suddenly, Spock surprises him by pulling alongside the cliff in his nifty thruster boots. The two exchange some humorous banter before Kirk slips and plummets to his certain death. Except Spock shoots down after him in his thruster boots and saves his life. What makes this moment so great/horrible is how he does it: as soon as Kirk slips, Spock shoots his arms out in a Superman pose and dives after him. Why is this so bad? Maybe the physics of humanoid flight require you to put your arms out in front to fly quickly. Maybe it makes perfect sense that thruster boots would be something you would normally pack to go camping in the 23th century. But the sight of a middle-aged Vulcan imitating Superman in an attempt to save a flailing William Shatner is hilarious, and I dare anyone to not laugh at this scene.

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