6 Worst Moments of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

2. Hey, I Can See Your Memories!

So it turns out that this crazed Vulcan recruits his followers by €œtaking away their pain;€ this makes them really relaxed and happy and willing to assault cities and hijack starships. Once he€™s aboard the Enterprise, he proceeds to do this to the crew. But Kirk, Spock and McCoy escape, fleeing their would-be captors and hiding out in what seems to be the ship€™s party room. Of course, they are eventually caught, and the crazed Vulcan tries to take their pain too. In this case, though, we actually see their pain being acted out; they interact with the painful memory, and the other characters can see what is going on as well. Spock is born and his dad says he€™s human (do Vulcans remember their birth?), McCoy euthanizes his dad shortly before a cure for his painful illness is discovered. Kirk refuses, since he €œneeds€ his pain (another great Shatner moment I€™m forgiving). Why is this so bad? I can accept that the crazed Vulcan can somehow remove painful memories; Vulcans do have telepathic powers. And even though I don€™t think every person has one painful memory they dwell on, I€™m a blogger, not a doctor, darn it. But even if we all have one painful memory that this guy can exorcise, why would everyone in the room be able to see the memory? Even as I write this I can come up with some convoluted fan-boy explanations, but I shouldn€™t have to do the work myself. Like so much else in this movie, I could forgive the weak plot if so many moments€”like this one€”didn€™t make me shake my head in confusion.

Peter Henne hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.