6 Worst Moments of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

1. "Row row row your boat"

Those of you who have seen the film probably thought I overlooked the campfire scene shortly after Spock€™s Superman dive. Kirk, Spock and McCoy gather at their campsite, drink and eat, and start singing a round of €œrow-row-row your boat,€ except Spock hilariously tries to understand the lyrics€™ meaning instead of singing. I didn€™t include it because an even worse sing-along happens at the end of the movie. God turns out to be some kind of evil hologram who gets blown up, the Klingons who were attacking the Enterprise apologize, and everyone gathers in the ship€™s party room to celebrate. Kirk, Spock and McCoy have a touching conversation that references Kirk€™s earlier soliloquy on why people like them will never have a family; it turns out, they are each other€™s family. Then we cut to a campfire, where the three are singing row-row-row your boat. Why is this so bad? Really? I forgive Kirk€™s philosophizing as another Shatner moment, but I cannot abide a sing-along in a Star Trek movie. Maybe, somehow, you made it through goofy desert-dwellers, thruster boots, falling apart starships, naked fan dances, etc. etc. etc., and still thought this was a worthwhile movie. Well, then, just to be clear, the movie hits you with one of the cheesiest endings in a science fiction film ever. Ever.

Peter Henne hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.