67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

46. The T-1000 Kills Max - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Dogs have a rather unique relationship with Terminators (though more on that later), which means that the machines will generally kill them on sight to avoid being ratted out to humans. In a scene from the Special Edition of T2, however, the T-1000 shows its vindictive side: after it's tricked into calling the Connor dog Max "Wolfy" (a test by the T-800 to see if John's foster parents have been compromised), it then walks over to Max's cage and stabs him to death before taking a look at his bloodied collar. It's easy to see why Cameron removed it from the theatrical cut (it's kind of a downer and doesn't really move the plot forward), but it's still an interesting (if dark) addition for fans and a rather eccentric flourish for a supposedly rational machine without feelings of frustration or anger.

45. Sam Worthington's Terrible Accent - Terminator Salvation

James Cameron recommended Sam Worthington to director McG after working with him on Avatar, and so that's pretty much why he got the gig of Marcus Wright. However, as has been a consistent problem for the actor over the years, he just can't seem to nail down a convincing American accent, his native Australian twang constantly sneaking back in distracting abundance. Would casting someone other than Worthers made the film much better? Not really, but it would've been a bit easier to concentrate on what he was saying rather than how he was saying it.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.