67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

42. Terminators Out Of Nowhere - Terminator Salvation

One major complaint that even Salvation's apologists can agree with is that the Terminators in the movie appear out of freaking nowhere, and given how large and loud they are, it makes no sense at all. The first instance occurs when a Terminator scout robot comes across Marcus and Kyle, and the decidedly more ridiculous one is when a gigantic, Transformer-sized Terminator (pictured above) arrives with no warning and begins snatching resistance members out of a hut. It's cheap, lazy filmmaking, and though the script is no doubt in part to blame here, McG could've put a little more effort into selling the idea that giant machines like this can't just sneak up on people. It's stupid and pulls the audience out of the movie with a mistake so basic.

41. The T-1000 Comes Out Of The Floor... And Stabs A Cop Through The Eye - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

As if there hadn't already been enough insane visual trickery by this point in the movie, James Cameron again ups the ante by having the T-1000 emerge out of the floor at the mental hospital, taking the form of a police officer who had just stepped on the patch of floor that the T-1000 had (somehow) concealed itself in. The T-1000 then creeps up on the cop it assimilated and stabs him through the eye with a sharp blade coming out of its finger, before dumping the corpse in a closet and continuing its pursuit of Sarah. Trivia: rather than resort to yet more CGI, the cop and his double are actually twin actors.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.