67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

36. That Guy - The Terminator

One unintentionally hilarious moment occurs during the middle of one of The Terminator's pivotal scenes, when the T-800 and Kyle Reese have both zeroed in on Sarah Connor at the Tech Noir club. As the Terminator makes its way through the crowd towards its target, this guy can be seen dancing rather ridiculously in the most absurd 80s get-up you've ever seen. Once you see him, it's pretty much impossible to un-see him, and it renders an otherwise tense scene hysterically funny. He looks more like he belongs in a wrestling ring than a dance club, and the slow-motion only ensures the camera lingers longer on the guy. Weird.

35. That Amazing Mirror Shot - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

T2 is, of course, a technical marvel, but one of the shots that's brilliant in its own, more subtle way occurs in the film's Special Edition, when Sarah removes the T-800's chip in order to switch it from read-only to write mode, so it can learn. The shot shows the camera pointed directly at a mirror as Arnie is staring into it, but wait, how is this possible? Why isn't the camera visible? It's a genius shot and, considering it doesn't even show up in the theatrical cut, must've taken a long time to get right. Basically, the mirror isn't a mirror: Arnold is sat where the mirror should be, and the back of his head facing the camera is just a prosthetic. As for John? He has a double who never needs to face the camera, but what about Sarah? Luckily for Cameron, Linda Hamilton has a twin sister, Leslie Hamilton Gearren, so she played the double and allowed the director to screw with the audience's head even more. Again, often the practical effects are the best and most impressive.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.